Common Ailments Caused by Mold

Mold can be a hidden hazard in any indoor or outdoor environment. It can cause a range of health problems. These can sometimes be very minor, like simply being irritated because of an unpleasant smell. However, mold can also cause major health problems which could lead to hospitalization and even death.


The minor irritations and annoyances caused by mold are many. Usually the symptoms of mold allergies are related to breathing, with issues in the nose, throat, and lungs. Sometimes these symptoms show up in other body systems, such as the skin.


The most common irritations are explained briefly below. If one or more people are experiencing these symptoms in your home or work environment, and you cannot trace the cause to other common allergens, it is time to hire an expert to search for hidden mold in the walls or ceiling.


Breathing-related reactions to mold:


  • Runny nose: a sudden continuous stream of mucus from your nose is a common sign of mold allergy
  • A sore throat: usually also caused by mucus running down the back of the throat, the allergic sore throat shows up several hours after initial exposure
  • Sinusitis: this inflammation of the sinuses usually shows up as painful pressure beneath your cheeks is an allergic expansion of the lining of your sinuses
  • Wheezing: mold reactions can also cause bronchial swelling in your breathing tube or lungs, which can cause a wheezing sound as you breathe
  • Coughing: allergic coughing is not deep or productive. Instead, these are small, constant coughs as your breathing system works to clear excess mucus from your windpipe
  • Sneezing: your body tries to clear the allergen and the mucus from your nose and mouth by sneezing


Non-breathing-related reactions to mold:


  • Headache: this is commonly triggered by sinusitis, where swelling in uncommon places strains the body’s reactions to the mold
  • Mild rash: rashes can show up in different places in different people, but are most common in areas of exposed skin, where direct contact has been made with mold in the air
  • Watery eyes, or red eyes: mold in the air can also come into contact with your eyes, and your bodily defenses will make your eyes weepy and they will turn red with irritation



If you suspect mold is present, take action

Of course, all of these reactions are worse if the person experiencing them has underlying conditions such as asthma, eczema, or any of a range of auto immune diseases.


If you are experiencing these symptoms regularly, check your environment for the presence of mold, and consult your doctor to address the symptoms until the mold can be removed.

Four Key Qualities in Choosing a Waterproofing Company

When choosing a waterproofing company for your residential or commercial application, there are four important areas to review. You want to make sure your builder or contractor has a wide range of experience, the products used are backed with a warranty, the installers are certified in their work, and that they address the water problem with several solutions.


Making sure you have the best answers in all four areas will help guarantee that your final project is not only beautiful in the short run, but is functional and dry for years to come.



Commercial and residential experience


Do you want the waterproofing company you choose to have as much experience as possible. While being a specialist may sound ideal, the reality is that experience itself is the best teacher. Companies that work in residential and commercial sites simply have more experience keeping water away from buildings.


You want to select a builder or contractor who will bring all of their experience to your project. The foundation work to keep your building dry for a generation is no place to cut corners.


While residential and commercial applications are different, the enemy is the same, and all of the experience matters.



Products backed with a warranty


Experts in protecting foundations know that some products work better than others. Let’s face it, when you’re building a house you don’t want to choose the product that your cousin Irv says will probably work.


You want to choose a company that only uses products with a warranty. This means they have tested the product and are willing to stand behind it.


It also means that if something goes wrong, this company and this warranty will protect you from some or all of the financial liability to make it right.



Certified and trained installers


In water control, there is no space for error. Covering 99% of an exposed wall means that this wall is susceptible to water infiltration and damage.


For this reason it is crucial that the contractor or builder you choose has installers that are certified and trained as much as the industry can provide certification and training.


The company you hire should be quick to point out their training and certification experience.



Offer several solutions


The reality is that protecting a foundation or other exposed area of a building from water means implementing multiple solutions that work in concert. The company you choose should offer to do more than one solution.


Instead of merely covering one side of one wall with a product, your contractor or company should talk with you about redirecting the water before it ever gets to that space.


This could include drainage, sloping, water runoff solutions, as well as waterproofing treatments for the foundation itself.


If the company you choose provide satisfactory answers in all four of these areas, you can be confident that you will be getting the highest quality waterproofing available.

The Cost of Mold Removal

A common nightmare for builders is the discovery of mold in a recent project. The cost for mold abatement can be immense in both time and money.


Mold abatement can cost up to $25 per square foot. However, this cost is not limited to the areas covered with visible mold. Often contracts require the builder to do abatement in areas adjacent to observed mold, as mold in one location indicates that the environment was right for mold to grow elsewhere. This means that costs can multiply quickly.


The inspections themselves – requested by the client in advance and required by clients and the law after the work is completed – can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.


And there are even cost beyond time and money. When mold is discovered on a construction site or in a project done by a company, that company’s reputation takes a hit.


So your best investment is in prevention.


Prevent mold by keeping water and humidity out


To prevent mold, select contractors who are trained and certificated in using the best methods to prevent leaks, drainage, and trapped vapor. These contractors will talk to you about their training and demonstrate certification in best practices to prevent mold.


More importantly, they will take proactive steps to mitigate the conditions in which mold can grow in the first place.


Keeping a foundation dry through effective drainage and water management is important. Also,  using the best waterproofing materials helps to ensure that water that makes contact with your building will be kept out.


Prevent mold by ensuring adequate ventilation


Of course, moisture can get into a building site in lots of different ways. The foundation is a common route as ground water or rainwater finds its way through the tiniest cracks. However, on construction sites, moisture is just as likely to build up from rainwater blowing in through unsecured tarps or where the roof is not yet installed.


In these cases, waterproofing materials alone are not enough. Care must be taken to allow adequate ventilation. In an open construction site this typically is not a problem as ventilation occurs naturally where there are no windows or walls. However in more constricted areas builders choose to add temporary ventilation until HVAC units are installed, inspected, and fully functional. This helps ensure that water won’t build up, leaving a place for mold to grow.


Prevent mold by using products that fight mold


Construction and waterproofing experts are also aware that there are products they can use that fight mold. This includes paints and stains created with fungicides in their formula. A final step in a project that involved a lot of humidity can involve a specific treatment with a fungicide to make sure that no mold was allowed to fester as a potential time bomb.

Mold Abatement Certification

When you identify a mold problem, you need to take immediate action. This can involve trying an over-the-counter product, using dishwashing gloves, and perhaps sponges and wipes you have under your sink.


But is this the best way to do it?


In many cases, this immediate action will address most of the problem. However, often where there is visible mold, there is invisible mold and related problems. If you are a homeowner or renter, this might be enough. If you are a landlord, and you have more than just your own health and well-being in mind, you might choose to hire someone for mold abatement.


That person should be a certified and trained mold abatement specialist.


What is a mold remediation certification?


In every state there are expectations and laws for the procedures to remove mold. This is because mold can be dangerous not just to the resident or occupant of the area where it was found, but to the person(s) removing it.


This training includes specialized instruction on the proper tools and methods to address various kinds of mold.


Mold remediation certification includes training and identifying types of mold. There are some common types of mold that are less harmful than others. Sure, all kinds of mold are undesirable, but some are actually dangerous to human health.


Knowing the difference between regular and hazardous mold is an important part of the training and certification process.


Additionally, there are common household products that are often used for mold abatement. But not every over-the-counter product is the right product. Some only address part of the problem.


And there are some molds and situations where the right response is removing everything that showed signs of mold, so the answer is construction, not treatment. Knowing the difference is part of the training.


Additionally, experts are trained on how to treat the contamination without spreading mold spores and otherwise exposing people to further concerns.


Finally, understanding the laws and regulations in your area is another part of the training. There are specific requirements for how to do mold abatement, and whoever owns the property is responsible for following these rules completely.


If you are seeking to get mold abatement certification, or are seeking someone who has it, you can start by checking out CHC Training, where they offer state-by-state information about taking and completing the training.


You can also verify that the person you have contacted to do the work has this certification at their site.


The safest option is the best option!

What Landlords Need to Know About Mold and the Law

As a landlord or a renter, you need to know the laws around mold in rental properties. Having this information can help keep you safe and legally protected.


Most states do not have laws about mold and mold control specifically. However, laws around maintaining a safe and healthy habitat can apply to certain types of mold. Mold, in addition to causing an allergic reactions in many people, can also be hazardous to people’s health whether or not they have an allergy.


You can learn more here about mold and mold-related concerns.


In general, the law obligates a landlord to keep a safe and healthy premise for a renter. This does not mean that the landlord is responsible for cleaning up a renter’s mess while the renter still occupies the property. This means that mold created by activities of the renter are not necessarily the landlord’s responsibility.


The renter’s responsibility: If a renter fails to do routine cleaning, such as cleaning tub and tile in a bathroom, or drying up spills from regular washroom or kitchen activities, the landlord is not obligated to address those problems for the renter. It is the occupant’s responsibility for routine cleaning.


The renter must also report mold or concerns promptly in order to trigger the landlord’s responsibility. For instance, if a leaky roof creates a moldy spot in a bedroom ceiling, a renter should not wait to report it. Claiming that a spot has been present for months in a space where the landlord is unlikely to see it does not obligate the landlord.


The landlord’s responsibility: A landlord must respond promptly to a renter’s concerns about leaking water or mold spots on ceilings or walls. Leaks from pipes or exterior water are not the renter’s responsibility. These types of concerns must be addressed the same day that that they are brought up, or as soon as reasonably possible.


The landlord should also do a visual check of the property periodically. This can happen on a pre-scheduled date, or it can happen organically when they are called into a space to work on a reported problem. For instance, if the landlord must repair the washing machine, that’s a great time to do a visual inspection of the washroom and other adjacent spaces, and bring concerns to the renter’s attention.


This searchable database can help you learn more about the laws in your state. Protect yourself by knowing and following these legal guidelines.

The Cost of Mold Removal


A common nightmare for builders is the discovery of mold in a recent project. The cost for mold abatement can be immense in both time and money.

Mold abatement can cost up to $25 per square foot. However, this cost is not limited to the areas covered with visible mold. Often contracts require the builder to do abatement in areas adjacent to observed mold, as mold in one location indicates that the environment was right for mold to grow elsewhere. This means that costs can multiply quickly.

The inspections themselves – requested by the client in advance and required by clients and the law after the work is completed – can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

And there are even cost beyond time and money. When mold is discovered on a construction site or in a project done by a company, that company’s reputation takes a hit.

So your best investment is in prevention.

Prevent mold by keeping water and humidity out

To prevent mold, select contractors who are trained and certificated in using the best methods to prevent leaks, drainage, and trapped vapor. These contractors will talk to you about their training and demonstrate certification in best practices to prevent mold.

More importantly, they will take proactive steps to mitigate the conditions in which mold can grow in the first place.

Keeping a foundation dry through effective drainage and water management is important. Also, using the best waterproofing materials helps to ensure that water that makes contact with your building will be kept out.

Prevent mold by ensuring adequate ventilation

Of course, moisture can get into a building site in lots of different ways. The foundation is a common route as ground water or rainwater finds its way through the tiniest cracks. However, on construction sites, moisture is just as likely to build up from rainwater blowing in through unsecured tarps or where the roof is not yet installed.

In these cases, waterproofing materials alone are not enough. Care must be taken to allow adequate ventilation. In an open construction site this typically is not a problem as ventilation occurs naturally where there are no windows or walls. However in more constricted areas builders choose to add temporary ventilation until HVAC units are installed, inspected, and fully functional. This helps ensure that water won’t build up, leaving a place for mold to grow.

Prevent mold by using products that fight mold

Construction and waterproofing experts are also aware that there are products they can use that fight mold. This includes paints and stains created with fungicides in their formula. A final step in a project that involved a lot of humidity can involve a specific treatment with a fungicide to make sure that no mold was allowed to fester as a potential time bomb.

3 Environmentally Savvy Design Elements to Include When Planning Your Custom Home or Building

Residential Waterproofing

Plan your home or building design with elements that are just as environmentally efficient as they are cost-efficient
Creating and using products that are sustainable is important. As the “Go Green” movement remains in the front of many minds, it is especially in the minds of home designers as they search for products that are just as environmentally efficient as they are cost-efficient.

“There are a lot of steps that go into building a custom home,” said a designer at Goldleaf Designs, a custom home builder in South Jersey, adding, “it’s important to make choices that can last a lifetime.” Using the right waterproofing, drainage, and barrier systems, you can make that possible in your custom home or building design.

Below are some important design elements and different versions of them to keep in mind that are reliable, safe, affordable, and most importantly, environmentally friendly.

1. A Green Waterproofing Membrane System

A waterproofing membrane system keeps a home or building safe from damage from weather and natural wear and tear that comes with age. These underground membranes are usually comprised of specialized rubber or other hydrophobic materials.

These waterproofing membranes are ideal for exterior concrete waterproofing and will protect any foundation or basement prone to water damage.

  1. Armor Membrane 363 Commercial Waterproofing Membrane

    Typically used in commercial settings, this membrane’s elasticity moves with the structure of the building and will not become brittle or crumble. As the building gets wet and impacted with various levels of moisture, this membrane will prevent any damage.

  2. Mar-flex 5000 Waterproofing Membrane

    This easy to install membrane is great for custom residential or commercial designs. This membrane is incredibly durable and protects the foundation like no other membrane.While resisting freezing and chemical damage, this membrane is easy to install and remains flexible.

  3. Fusion UV Waterproofing Membrane

    This durable and protective membrane is a smart choice for designers and home/building owners alike. This specific membrane is easy to handle, install, can be used in any geographical area, and combines advanced UV protection and waterproofing in the membrane design.

    Arguably one of the most high end and technologically advanced products in waterproofing membranes, it comes with a 20-year warranty.

2. A Green Drainage Board

If moisture makes its way into the structure of a home or building, it is likely the building will deteriorate and begin to break down. A simple and affordable way to avoid that is with the installation of a drainage board in your home or building design.

These boards also allow for the conservation of the environment because of the material they are made of along with the channeling of water to prevent water from damaging the grounds around a home or building.

  1. Geo-Mat + Drain Roll

    Not only does this product protect the foundation and the waterproofing membrane, but it is also resistant to saline solutions, alkalis, acids, and hydrostatic pressure.

  2. GeoMat Drain Roll

    The GeoMat Drain Roll removes water before it can damage the structure of a home or building. The water-channeling design is also made of 100% recycled material, making it even more environmentally friendly.

  3. ShockWave Drainage and Insulation Board

    Unaffected by soil or water exposure, this drainage system and insulation board provide outstanding water absorption and protection.

  4. Drain & Dry Drainage Board

    Furthering the goal of environmental savviness, this product is energy conscious and combines thermal insulation properties. Drain and Dry boards are applied shortly after the membrane and before backfilling, making it an important part of custom home design especially in terms of keeping that design protected.

3. A Green Air Barrier System

Living up to its name, each air barrier system protects a home or building against outside air; in addition, these barriers also protect against vapor and rain.

  1. ArmorAir Barrier 1200p

    This barrier is designed to stop air infiltration and exfiltration in a home or building to provide longevity of that property.

    In terms of the environment, this air barrier reduces energy costs by eliminating air leakage and mold growth.

  2. ArmorAir Barrier 1800i

    Similar to the ArmorAir Barrier 1200p, this air barrier does the same things, just on a larger scale.

    With a seamless monolithic membrane, this air barrier can also be applied to damp concrete and seals nicely around brick.

With all of these state of the art designs, there are countless options and opportunities to custom design a home or building in a costly manner while also not breaking the bank. Each high quality and environmentally-savvy product is easy to install and has an ample amount of benefits. To learn more about the specifics of each product, visit the product page.

Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.

The Importance of Using Drainage Mats in Homes

Drainage Mats

Water damage is one of the most invasive and difficult to control problems facing homeowners, but assuming that damp smell in your basement is just a fact of life opens you up to risk when the dampness finally becomes a puddle on the floor or water trickling down your walls.

The issue is that failing waterproofing around a foundation is difficult to detect until it’s too late. “Out of sight, out of mind” can lead to costly repairs, often at the worst time of year.

Proactively waterproofing your foundation can ultimately cost homeowners up to ten times less than digging up your foundation to fix a problem after it has happened. Making sure your home builder engages a waterproofing company will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Many homeowners—and even contractors—think that all they need is a waterproofing membrane applied to the concrete and they’re protected. And while a high-quality waterproofing membrane should be a key part of maintaining your home, the solution is actually more complex.

What Is Hydrostatic Pressure?

Hydrostatic Pressure

Before we talk about waterproofing products, let’s look at how homes are built, and why waterproofing is so important.

The first step in building a new home is digging a hole in the ground. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? In broad strokes, builders dig a foundation, pour concrete and then fill the rest of the hole back in.

The problem—and it’s a pretty universal one—occurs because the soil around the new foundation is less compacted than the untouched soil around that. As water moves through the ground, it will look for the path of least resistance—namely, through looser soil—before it ultimately accumulates against your home’s foundation. This is called hydrostatic pressure.

It’s important to understand that hydrostatic pressure exists in all soil types. All soil traps at least some moisture, so even if you’re living in a relatively dry place, homeowners should still make sure their home is built to withstand hydrostatic pressure.

But My Foundation Is Already Waterproofed?

Waterproof Foundation

Many homeowners see the edge of the black membrane peeking over the grade-line of their home and assume they’re protected. While a quality waterproofing membrane is critical in keeping your home waterproof, if it’s under continual assault from hydrostatic pressure, it will not last as long as it would if the whole foundation is well-protected.

A waterproofing membrane shouldn’t be your first line of defense. Products like drainage mats are designed to help water drain safely away before they ever reach the foundation.

What Is a Drainage Mat?

Drainage Mat

A drainage board, or drainage mat, helps water flow away from the foundation. Without it, water can stay trapped against the concrete or pool at the bottom. Drainage mats come with a dimpled design that lets water accumulate and flow away, creating an air gap.

Good drainage mats will also have a Polypropylene Geotextile Fabric. As water flows, it picks up small particles of silt and soil. When water stops moving—like when it reaches a concrete wall—silt and soil will accumulate, further increasing the pressure against the foundation. A drainage mat’s membrane protects the mat from sediment clogging.

What Other Features Can You Use With a Drainage Mat?

Home waterproofing needs a comprehensive solution. Along with using both drainage mats and waterproofing membranes, here are a few other waterproofing products to consider:

Drainage Tiles and Drainage Rolls

Drainage Rolls

Once the water has flowed down the drainage mat, what happens next? It’s not enough to keep it off the walls—you need the water to move away entirely from your home or else you risk it coming up through the basement floor.

Traditionally, the solution has been to install something called a French drain, which is a concrete pipe that collects water and helps it flow away from your foundation. Unfortunately, French drains are notorious for getting clogged or collapsing, which, in turn, only makes your drainage problem worse as water backs up.

Drain tiles and drainage rolls work on the same kind of principle as drainage mats, creating channels that allow water to flow, and using a membrane to protect the system from soil and gravel. They are placed at the base of drainage boards and can be used to channel water downgrade or to a mechanical drainage system, like a sump pump.

Insulated Drainage Mat

A drainage mat creates an air gap to facilitate water flow, which is great. But in colder climates, that air gap can also trap warm air from an improperly insulated basement. And that warm air results in a thin layer of liquid water against your foundation, even when the ground is frozen.

An insulated drainage mat does double duty. It provides the hydrostatic pressure protection that comes with any good drainage mat, while also offering insulation R-value that keeps warm air in your basement. This, in turn, saves you not only from costly water damage repairs but also lowers monthly energy expenses.

When looking for an insulated drainage mat, make sure you’re looking not only at its insulation properties but also at its compressive strength. Not all insulation is designed to withstand the external forces of soil and water, so when selecting your drainage board, make sure your insulation is made to last.

Build Your Waterproof Home

Proactively waterproofing your home protects your investment and saves you money for years to come. By educating yourself, you can rest easy that your home is safe from the invasive force of water. Using a comprehensive waterproofing system, including drainage mats, will help keep the water out, so you can enjoy every level of your dry home, every day.

For more information on choosing the right waterproofing products, visit the Mar-flex website.

The Best Basement Waterproofing Solutions for My Climate

Residential Waterproofing SolutionsWe can all agree that a waterproof basement is critical to health and well-being, property value and building longevity. Although a damp basement may feel like a ubiquitous problem with no solution, the opposite is, in fact, quite true. As much as 60% of a building’s ventilation is sourced from basement air. If water and mold issues in a basement aren’t addressed, they can impact the entire house.

But while wet basements may be a common problem for homeowners across North America, the solution will vary depending on where the home is located. Factors like annual precipitation, temperature and soil type greatly affect the type of water intrusion in a home, as well as the best way to waterproof a basement.

Today we’re going to look at three different climate types, explore the common causes of wet basements in those areas, and how to address them. Every basement needs a custom solution when being built, but there are trends you can expect from one part of the country to the next.

Basement Waterproofing Solutions for Cold Climates

Basement Waterproofing For Winters

Areas where temperatures regularly drop below freezing are subject to different water intrusion risks than homes in other climates. Water expands as part of the freeze-thaw cycle, so any water already in a foundation crack and pressing against a weak spot in the concrete has the potential to cause further damage when the temperatures drop and the water expands.

As a result of these freeze-thaw events, foundation cracks can expand quickly and often when they are least accessible: while the ground is frozen. This can be further aggravated if the basement itself is poorly insulated. A poorly insulated basement radiates heat from the inside, which can create a thin layer of liquid water in the frozen ground, facilitating its entry into the basement.

Basements in cold climates are also more susceptible to increased water load. A snowstorm represents a huge amount of water deposited in a location at one time, compared to rain which falls to the ground and drains away steadily. For snow, melting occurs quickly, increasing the hydrostatic pressure against the concrete.

When building a new home, working from the outside, you’ll want to install both a waterproofing membrane and a drainage/insulation board. Make sure the foundation is fully dry before installing the membrane and board.

Once water is flowing away from the basement, thanks to the membrane, you’ll also want to install a subgrade drain system—either a French drain or a sump pump—to carry water away before it enters from under the floor. These basement waterproofing systems will be discussed more in the next section.

Basement Waterproofing Solutions for Wet Climates

Basement Waterproofing For Wet Climates

In wet climates with rainy springs and potentially high water tables, the name of the game is drainage. Wet springs and rising water tables lead to saturated soils and high hydrostatic pressure against your foundation.

A dimpled drainage mat is an effective waterproofing product. The dimples increase surface area, allowing for greater drainage capacity, moving water away from the walls and toward a comprehensive drainage system.

French drains collect water around the base of the foundation. Typically perforated and surrounded by gravel, water that percolates down the waterproof membrane and drainage mat collects in the French drain and flows away from the foundation toward drainage tile.

For especially wet areas where a French drain isn’t enough, mechanical support via a sump pump is also a relatively affordable waterproofing solution. Sump pumps are dug below the foundation grade, and actively pump water away.

Basement Waterproofing Solutions for Dry Climates

Basement Waterproofing For Dry Climates

Even in drier climates with relatively little annual rainfall and low water tables, homeowners should still make sure their basements are properly waterproofed in order to protect their health and well-being, as well as their investment. While waterproofing needs in drier climates are not as elaborate as they are elsewhere, here are a few solutions to consider:

  • Proper grading. Water should always flow away from the foundation. If there are any low spots—either the soil, concrete, or paving stones—these should be brought up to grade to keep the foundation dry in the event of rain.
  • Well sealed and graded hardscaping. Brick, stone and concrete paving is popular for patios and walkways. But although these surfaces are hard, they are often porous, allowing water to accumulate and sit close to your foundation. Make sure hardscaped features are well-sealed and graded away from your home.
  • Dampproofing. To be extra sure, apply dampproofing to the basement interior, and promptly repair any cracks with hydrostatic cement or waterproof mastic.
  • Vapor barrier. If a home is built over a dirt crawlspace, rather than a full basement, make sure a vapor barrier is installed over the soil. This will prevent any moisture from diffusing up, as well as help mitigate nuisances and risks associated with insects or radon gas.

Waterproofing Solutions for Every Climate

Mar-flex offers concrete waterproofing solutions for every climate. Our durable membranes and protection/drainage boards are designed to last for decades and protect homes for their lifespan.

If you want more information on the best waterproofing products for your new build, click here to visit our website.

The Right Basement Waterproof Sealant for Your Foundation Material

Waterproof Sealant For Foundation Material

Water in basements is a common problem for many homeowners, but it’s easy to ignore until it becomes a serious issue. What basement doesn’t feel a little damp in the spring? But water is an invasive force that can lead to significant structural issues if the cause isn’t identified and the impacts corrected.

Waterproofing a foundation can be a multi-step process involving sealing the exterior foundation. Accessing the building’s foundation can be complicated, so exterior waterproofing products are a good step to protecting your home.

Today, we’re answering the most common questions about waterproofing your basement and how to select the right sealant and drainage system to protect your foundation.

What is basement waterproofing sealant?

Basement Waterproofing Sealant

Basement waterproofing can be applied to the exterior of your basement or foundation wall. A high-quality waterproof sealant will repel water and prevent degradation of the concrete.

Exterior basement waterproofing is generally made of an asphalt-based waterproofing. Asphalt is carefully refined from the distillation of selected crude oils and is used because of its impermeability and reliability.

Asphalt waterproof sealants are spray-applied in either water- or solvent-based formulas. Make sure to seal any cracks or faults using a waterproof mastic before covering it with waterproofing sealant.

Exterior Basement Waterproofing

When is the best time to have my basement’s exterior waterproofed?

There are two times to waterproof your basement. In order of preference, they are:

  1. When it is being built. Exterior basement waterproofing must be done by exposing the foundation, so the best time to waterproof your basement is during construction before fill and landscaping remove the access to your exterior foundation wall.
  2. During a warm, dry period. For a number of reasons, if you need to excavate your foundation once construction is complete, you want to do it with an eye on the weather. The most obvious reason is, if your foundation is already leaking, you don’t want to increase the chance of water intrusion by exposing your foundation during a rain event. And even if there is no rain in the forecast, you want to wait until the ground is thoroughly dry. Wet and damp soil needs to be shored up to keep workers safe and has the potential to delay work.

You also want to do your waterproofing when the weather is fairly warm. Trying to apply waterproofing membranes when temperatures are too cold will increase the amount of time these products need to cure before you can backfill the foundation. Always follow manufacturer’s recommendations on application temperatures.

Drainage Board System

What is hydrostatic pressure, and how does it affect foundation drainage?

While managing exterior water sources through proper downspout drainage and landscape grading will help reduce opportunities for water infiltration, the fact remains basements are built below grade and subject to hydrostatic pressure from groundwater. Even the most well-sealed foundations may degrade under the influences of this pressure over time.

A drainage board system installed around the outside of a sealed foundation will help protect against groundwater and debris like silt and rocks. Along with supporting an effective drainage system, Mar-flex GeoMat Drain Roll is made of 100% recycled material and can be used towards LEED building credits.

Waterproofing a basement can be a complex undertaking, but it is critical to maintaining the integrity of a home. Wherever possible, waterproofing should be considered a proactive activity, rather than waiting for a flood. Manufacturers of waterproofing materials, like Mar-Flex, have a variety of solutions to suit your needs. For more information, visit our website.