Mar-flex Has Moved

Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products has relocated to Carlisle, Ohio. This comes at a time when Mar-flex’s business has been booming and we’ve finally finished our new offices, attached to our new warehouse. Mar-flex is now located at 200 Industry Drive, Carlisle Ohio.

Mar-flex Crack Injection

Mar-flex offers top of the line waterproofing products and accessories. But what do you do if you find cracks in your basement? Cracks allow moisture to seep through, causing structural degrading, enlarging of said cracks, and mold and mildew propagation. Crack injection has been the accepted method of repairing these issues for years, because its cost-effective, reliable, and permanent. Epoxy adheres to the concrete, allowing for further contraction and expansion, while stopping the water from eroding the concrete any further. Check out Mar-flex’s line of crack injection products today.

Twip of the Day – Dampproofing Concrete Floors

When dealing with basement floors, you must assure that everything is adequately dampproofed. Concrete flooring is notorious for allowing moisture to sweat through. This leads to mold and mildew on the underside of the carpet or wood flooring. The easy solution to this is to dampproof your flooring before placing carpet or wood. This process isn’t difficult, though it is time consuming and sometimes confusing.

Usually, when using dampproofing you will be dealing with a liquid membrane. The liquid membrane is painted on, much like you would paint the walls of your home, and when it dries it creates a hard surface. These membranes are formulated to create a seamless barrier between the underlayment and the concrete slab. This same substance should also be applied to basement walls prior to finishing them. When you do this, you create an airtight seal that protects against moisture.

Dampproofing basement flooring isn’t always easy because cracks may already exist in the flooring, allowing moisture to seep through and causing the cracks to grow larger. If you find this problem, use an epoxy product to patch the holes. It will dry  clear, flat, and completely waterproof.

Mar-flex Concrete Repair

Structure settle over time and suffer overload, which causes cracks to form in the foundation walls. Its important to repair the minor cracks when you find them, before they can become a very serious and expensive problem. Crack injection is the most widely accepted method for repairing these problems, this is because its cost-effective, reliable, and permanent. Mar-flex offers the best epoxy repair kits which are superior to other crack injection methods, this is because the epoxy adheres to the concrete, allowing for further expansion and contraction, all the while stopping water from eroding concrete any further. Check out Mar-flex’s crack repair kits today!

Twip of the Day – Stopping Leaks

Basement wall leaks are always a serious issue. This is because seeping water degrades the strength of your foundation, and allows mold and mildew to propagate. In order to fix the leak, you must locate the source. Tracing the water back to where it emerges is always a good starting point. When you’ve found the source, use a hammer and chisel to carefully open any cracks or voids and inspect them for extensive damage. The cracks that are visible are not the extent of the damage, so if you just cover them you will have future problems. Once you’ve checked the cracks for further damage, use a brush to rid the crack of loose debris. Once you think you’ve gotten it all, use a can of compressed air to finish the tidy-up. Next, mix some hydraulic cement and apply the mixture to the crack, assuring that you press as far as you can. You can also use small pieces of stone or already hardened cement to help fill this gap. Once you have sealed the cracks, apply a waterproof sealant to protect against any future damages. This method is the most widely accepted. Another solution, besides concrete, exists in the form of epoxy crack injection. Mar-flex sells these epoxy sealant kits.

Mar-flex Offers Everything You Need

Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products offers the best waterproofing membranes in the marketplace. They even offer innovative and quality drainage boards to make a comprehensive and more efficient system. Did you know Mar-flex also offers everything you need to apply these amazing membranes? This industrious and inventive company offers everything from pumps to spray nozzles and every accessory in between. In fact, they offer the most comprehensive selection that any building professional needs to do the job right. All of Mar-flex’s spray equipment and accessories are economically priced, durable, and ultra efficient. Check out Mar-flex’s line of spray equipment and accessories today!

Twip of the Day – Why Finish Your Basement

Basement finishing projects can seem like a huge task if you have never attempted it before. There are various uses for a finished basement, which make it completely worth the trouble. For instance, finished basements can be converted into game rooms, home offices, apartments, or even a bar.

Turning your finished basement into a game room is a great way to use this extra space. This family space could include pool tables, arcade machines, gaming systems, even home theaters. The basement is the best place for this because game rooms get noisy, and below grade spaces contain this excess noise. This also allows your upstairs spaces to be reserved for quieter activities.

Home offices are another perfect use for a finished basement. Home offices require storage space for computer equipment, desks, file storage, and more. The basement is a good choice for this as it removes you from the home environment, allowing for greater productivity, and the ability to keep the office clutter out of the normal living spaces. This is essential if you run a home-based business, as it means you won’t have to use an extra bedroom or worse, the garage, as an office space.

Apartments are another great way to use the extra below-grade space. Hard times are upon us all, and its common for in-laws or even grown children to move back home into a stable environment. Having this separate area for overnight visitors, or family members, means maximum comfort for the visitor as well as the ability to not disturb the daily goings-on of the family currently occupying the upstairs space. You can install a bathroom, kitchenette, bedroom, and even living area in your finished basement so guests have their own space when visiting. If you go the extra distance, and include separate entrances to the outside, you could even use your basement as a rental space.

One of the most common uses for a finished basement is to make it into a bar. Putting a bar in your basement is a great way to entertain guests when they visit. There are different themes that go with a basement bar. You could build an irish pub, sports bar, even a trendy night club theme. Regardless of what you use to decorate it, you and your friends will be able to fully enjoy a bar environment in the most intimate of settings, your own home. This makes for great social events and parties.


Radon is a harmful gas that exists below the ground and can seep up through cracks in your foundation, as well as cracks in your basement floor. The only way to protect against the dangers of radon is to use a sealant solution like Mar-flex’s new UltriSeal. UltriSeal is built to protect against radon and other harmful chemicals in the environment. UltriSeal is versatile, meaning it can be applied to ANY concrete surface, including walls and driveways. This makes our new product the most efficient and dependable sealant on the market, when it comes to protecting against these harmful chemicals. Try UltriSeal today!

Twip of the Day – Subsurface Water

Subsurface water causes big problems when a structure isn’t thoroughly prepared for it. There are many causes of subsurface water which we’ll describe. The usual cause for subsurface water is malfunction of the home’s critical water treatment systems, for instance, if your gutters are clogged or you don’t have any at all. Gutters allow water to be drained away from your foundation when it rains. They are imperative to keeping your foundation free from subsurface water. If your gutters are clean and pushing water correctly, then you should check the ground slope on your landscaping. If the landscaping is sloped toward your home subsurface water will build up and cause you problems. Assure the slope directs water away from the foundation. Also, make sure your dampproofing is functioning correctly, because this also protects from subsurface water. If you still have problems after completing these steps, call a professional water remediation service like DryPatrol.

Mar-flex Safety Equipment

Mar-flex knows the value of keeping your employees safe on the job, as well as the DIY homeowner safe when they are working with our products. For this reason, Mar-flex offers quality safety equipment from coveralls to respirators and everything in between. Mar-flex also offers PVC gloves, built specifically for the building professional. Mar-flex respirators are also some of the best in the industry, offering a longer lifespan, and form fitting contours which adhere specially to each user’s face. Check out our safety equipment selection today!