Twip of the Day – Subsurface Water

Subsurface water causes big problems when a structure isn’t thoroughly prepared for it. There are many causes of subsurface water which we’ll describe. The usual cause for subsurface water is malfunction of the home’s critical water treatment systems, for instance, if your gutters are clogged or you don’t have any at all. Gutters allow water to be drained away from your foundation when it rains. They are imperative to keeping your foundation free from subsurface water. If your gutters are clean and pushing water correctly, then you should check the ground slope on your landscaping. If the landscaping is sloped toward your home subsurface water will build up and cause you problems. Assure the slope directs water away from the foundation. Also, make sure your dampproofing is functioning correctly, because this also protects from subsurface water. If you still have problems after completing these steps, call a professional water remediation service like DryPatrol.