Waterproof Construction Adhesive

For your next construction project, you want to select adhesive products that are up to the task. That is, they need to be able to withstand the forces they are going to face over the lifetime of the finished product.

They will also need to bond well with the materials being used in the project.

Your favorite adhesive from your favorite company or supplier is unlikely to be the best solution for every project. And if the contractor you use seems to have a “one adhesive” approach to all of their work, it might be wise to look around for a company that approaches each project with the best possible tools and resources.

Your professional Mar-Flex supplies will include or suggest the right waterproof construction adhesive for the project.

What to consider when choosing construction adhesive

  1. Surface type. Construction materials differ from one another on a molecular level, and thus different adhesives will work better with different materials. The best construction adhesive will be formulated to work well with both sides of your project. For instance, if you are adhering glass to metal, you will use a different adhesive than when waterproofing stone against concrete.
  2. Drying time. Often waterproof construction adhesive instructions include two times: a drying time and a curing time. The drying time is the time it takes for the chemicals that make the adhesive pliable to evaporate. This is simply when the product becomes unable to move or ben, but it is NOT when it is fully set. The curing time is the time it takes for the remaining ingredients to crystallize and become fully active in waterproofing and bonding. Only after a product has cured is it ready to do be exposed to the elements and daily use.
  3. Strength and longevity. Strength of an adhesive is scientifically measured by two different measures, based on the two ways an adhesive might be stressed. One is lap shear, or how the waterproof adhesive holds up when the materials around them want to move laterally against the glue and/or the other surface. This is extremely important if the waterproofing adhesive is being applied to vertical surfaces. (Note: when possible, adhesives should not be the ONLY thing holding up vertical building materials.) The second measure of strength is peel strength, or how the adhesive holds up against perpendicular stress, as if someone is pulling the two surfaces apart.

Cleaning up and following directions

A good construction project is only as solid as its weakest link, material, or construction shortcut. So reading the instructions and getting the right material for your waterproofing project is important. Work with an expert supplier to make sure your products match the results you want.