Twip of the Day – Tips For Proper Drainage

Thanks to our other Twips, you know how to properly maintain and even troubleshoot your sump pumps. Have you taken into consideration where all that water goes? Most people just stick the outgoing pipe outside of the structure and allow the water to seep into the ground. Thanks to new awareness about environmental hazards, sump pump owners now have the responsibility of assuring the drained water pumps into a suitable place. The outgoing pipe is usually fitted with a weather-proof tube on the end. The tube is flexible, which means it can be bent to maneuver around objects in order to get the end away from your foundation. The end point of the hose should be located at least 10 feet away from the foundation of the house, preferably 20 feet away. If it isn’t at least this far away, the soil will reabsorb the water and it will seep back into your basement, requiring your sump pump to constantly pump. This constant flow of water will degrade the structural integrity of your foundation, and contributes to erosion. The location water drains to is important, you should choose a location not near your septic tank. If you experience moist conditions, your septic tank is already overloaded with water and doesn’t need more. Also, make sure not to drain your sump pump into a sewer, as this causes flooding. Its also against many city ordinances to dump sump pump drainage in city sewer systems. Draining the water into your neighbor’s lot is also not a good idea, as it is against the law, and is discourteous. Finally, make sure the tubing is securely attached to the PVC pipe, if not the water will leak out and be reabsorbed.