Twip of the Day – The Need for and Installing Pump Liners

You have a sump pump and you know you should install a pump liner, to make the pump more effective, but how do you go about it? The work is simple and by following the steps it can be a good DIY project.

First, when digging the sump pump pit, make sure its located  in the lowest part of your basement or crawl space. It should also be located near an exterior wall and a power outlet. Remember, sump pumps require a GFCI equipped outlet.

Next follow our list of steps to easily install and build the fixture required.

-Use the top of the sump pump liner as a template and mark the ground for digging. The hole should be three to four inches larger than the sump pump liner.

-Dig the hole at least two and a half feet deep.

-Line the bottom of the hole with gravel, about six inches deep.

-Level out the gravel and set the liner in the hole.

-Cut and attach a discharge pipe before setting the pump in the hole. Pipe should extend at least two or three inches above floor level at this point.

-Backfill the ole with coarse gravel to about eight inches from the top of the liner.

-Fill in dirt up to four inches from the top of the liner.

-Seal the pump liner in with concrete. Trowel the concrete around the pump liner lid and level it with the rest of the floor.

-Cut a length of PVC pipe eight inches in length and push through a header hole you need to drill to fit the diameter of the pipe.

-Route te piping from discharge pipe to pipe through header and secure with studs and brackets.

-Discharge pipe should end at least six feet away from the foundation of the structure.