Twip of the Day – The Cleanup

When your basement has water leak into it, it causes damage to everything. Whether its carpet, walls, or personal possessions, these need to be cleaned to eliminate potential mold issues. It’s important to find the leak first before you clean up. Its difficult to repair something if you don’t have a clue about the cause or source of the problem. After finding the cause of the leak make sure to clean the area as thoroughly as possible. Use a bucket of water and disinfectant to wipe the area completely. Its important to never drill into cracks in the foundation wall in an attempt to fix them. Instead, fill the cracks with epoxy and polyurethane. Once the mixture has thoroughly dried, peal off the crack-seal glue and use a waterproofing kit to keep cracks dry. If your basement damage is too much for a DIY project, call a professional remediation company, Mar-flex recommends DryPatrol.