Twip of the Day – Stopping Your Sump Pump From Freezing

The freezing of a sump pump is a serious problem that will cause extensive damage to the pump, therefore you must take a few steps to ensure the pump’s continuing operating efficiency. The discharge hose attached to the end of your pump is likely to become blocked with ice, if the water has a limited amount of space to pass through. This means, you should buy a discharge hose larger than average, so that the water won’t be able to freeze. Its also a good idea to bury the end of the discharge hose in the ground before insulating the section that remains above ground. When the hose begins to freeze because its too small, it causes the pump to work that much harder. This causes operating failure over time, so make sure to clear your gutters and downspouts, lay gravel, and generally try to not put any undue stress on your pump. Also, you can connect a freeze-resistant hose to the end of the discharge hose, so that there is a much greater distance between the property and point where waste water is flushed away. Finally, heating your basement to a temperature where water will be continually allowed to flow freely is imperative. This won’t allow for the water to freeze.