Twip of the Day – Safety Equipment Necessary

When you are using DIY products to dampproof your basement, you must use caution as many of these products are considered toxic. When you are considered products to dampproof, educate yourself about the hazards of using said product. Most dampproofing paints have toxic fumes which should be inhaled in a closed environment. If you are going the DIY route with your basement dampproofing project, make sure to wear a respirator so that you can breathe fresh and safe air throughout the whole job. Its also important to ensure that your basement has proper ventilation, basement’s are often sealed up and there is no where for air to move. Running a central air system with a fan in the basement is perfect for ventilation. Also put fans in your basement to blow the fumes up the stairs, ensuring that air is continually circulating in the basement at all times. Make sure to take frequent breaks, breathing in the fumes for extended periods of time can be extremely hazardous to your health.