Twip of the Day – Properly Applying Waterproof Paint

When you are applying waterproof paint, its important to follow the proper procedure and techniques to get the most out of your investment. This usually means applying the waterproof paint in multiple coats, starting with a coat of primer on the walls. This will help paint adhere better to the walls and help you avoid problems down the line. Some hardware stores and product manufacturers recommend putting three coats over the primer, so make sure to carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure that you allow plenty of time for the paint to dry between coats.

Following these easy instructions will allow to do the job right. Basement waterproof paint will protect your basement from moisture penetration, and a fresh coat of paint will definitely spruce up those walls!

Waterproof paint is used to create a barrier in between walls and the outside environment. This means protection against moisture. The most common area of any structure where waterproof paint is applied is the basement. Before applying any waterproofing paint, ensure any excess mortar is removed and the wall is cleaned. If there are any gaps or cracks in the concrete walls of your basement, mix a small amount of mortar and place it into a pastry bag. Fill any holes with this mortar, and allow to dry. Also, you should make sure your basement is free of moisture before applying any paint. This can be achieved with the use of a basement dehumidifier. Apply the waterproof paint with a roller, and use a brush on rough surfaces such as rugged concrete. Allow the paint time to dry and then check for any missed areas and reapply waterproof paint to assure a solid seal. Then, apply a second coat, and sometimes a third coat, depending on the frequency of basement flooding and the local climate.