Portable sump pumps are tools that are used when your regular sump pump fails, or when there is excessive flooding in your structure. You can find portable pumps on many construction sites. They are perfect for places that infrequently get flooded as well. Portable pumps are the least expensive type of pump, and easily help to clean up small floods, so when you find a flood you should place it close to the moisture, but not in it. There are a few things you must remember when using a portable pump, such as that portable pumps are different from permanent models and therefore need to be treated differently. The first thing is that they aren’t meant for big jobs, or to be used very often. Also, sometimes they don’t come with valves attached, which means you need to be sure that your portable sump pump is turned off as it empties. Allowing the pump to run dry will quickly burn out the motor. Be sure to keep your portable pump stored in a place where you can get to it if you need it, because easy access is imperative in a flood.