Twip of the Day – Interior Waterproofing Solutions

Interior basement waterproofing is as critical to water penetration prevention as exterior waterproofing. You will have water damage issues when there is either a build up of water leaking down into your basement, or there is a blockage in a pipe somewhere that is stopping water from going anywhere and therefore accumulating in this area. If you waterproof your basement, you should be aware that this process needs to be done regularly to maintain the basement’s protection from moisture.

The first method of waterproofing your basement interior is to install a french drain. Problems that happen outside the house have a direct result on your basement as leaks from pipes and poor drainage mean that this can get flooded. There is nothing worse than a drainage system that you knew about, but never thought to get fixed, leading to basement water damage. Installing a french drain to keep your basement dry is actually a simple process. You will just have to dig a trench in your garden and your home, then fill the trench with gravel and level it out. Then connect the trench to a drain installed in your basement. In order to reduce costs this can be done on your own.

You can also paint waterproof paint onto your basement walls for added protection. Initially, you should fill in any gaps or cracks in the wall. Once you have smoothed over any cracks, you can apply the paint along with waterproof primer and allow it to dry. This process is simple to do yourself, just remember to wear safety equipment such as a respirator, and try to increase ventilation in your basement as much as possible.

Often, your basement will flood if you have problems with the drainage system, or pipes that have become blocked. You should assure that pipes are cleared of any blockages first off and then once this is done you have to maintain it to ensure your pipes don’t get blocked again. Check out the landscape of your garden in addition, making sure there are no areas where water builds up, like landscaping that slopes toward, not away from the home. By improving your drainage system, you’ll have a much better chance of stopping problems in your home.