Twip of the Day – Interior Vs Exterior Part 2

When it comes to waterproofing your basement, you can finish the job in several ways. There are many pros and cons associated with both interior and exterior waterproofing. In order to choose which is most effective for your situation, we’ll lay out a few of the details. If you find cracks or holes in your foundation wall, it doesn’t matter whether you want to apply interior or exterior waterproofing, you must repair these issues quickly. For interior basement waterproofing you must brush away loose concrete to get a decently pliable surface. You must use concrete to fill the holes and gaps and then smooth it out. Exterior waterproofing only requires you to seal the cracks with a sealant, like epoxy injection. Also, exterior waterproofing offers a “skin shield”, which is when the skin acts as a moisture barrier between cool soil and excess water. This skin becomes rubberized and possesses a honeycomb design. Both interior and exterior waterproofing will utilize waterproofing paint. This paint is applied much like any other paint, and is typically latex based so water doesn’t adhere to it or degrade it over time. No matter which you choose, creating a drainage system for water that does make it through is paramount to having a dry basement. You can achieve this with a downspout. Interior basement waterproofing may be cheaper and easier to apply than exterior, but exterior waterproofing has its advantages too. Choose which type you will use carefully.