Twip of the Day – Identifying Leaks

We’ve gone over how you can fix leaks, how sump pumps protect you once you’ve got leaks, and finally how to keep standing water off your basement floor. One thing we haven’t touched on in a while is how to find the actual point of entry. In order to properly fix the leaks it is important to identify the source of the leak. After cleaning your gutters, and assuring your slope on your landscaping is sloping toward your basement, if there is still leaking water there is a simple trick to find the source.

First you need to identify whether the moisture is from a leak or if it is just condensation. In order to do this, find a spot on your basement wall where moisture congregates. Wipe the wall clean and assure absolute dryness. Then place a piece of duct tape on the walls, and leave it set for at least twenty four hours. When you remove the tape, if the moisture is on the side facing away from the wall, its condensation. If the moisture is under the tape, then your wall is leaking water. Find the exact point of entry and seal it with epoxy based concrete sealants.