Twip of the Day – Hiding Your Basement Sump Pump


Sump pumps are some of the most effective tools in the fight against moisture penetration. This pump will pull excess water off your basement floor and push it out and away from your structure. Unfortunately, while sump pumps are excellent tools, they are usually also eyesores. If you are looking for ways to hide your sump pump from every day view, check out our guide!

Moving the Pump

If your pump is in a central location or in a path of traffic, you might want to consider moving it to a more ideal area. This will require moving both the pump and the sump pump pit. This job will probably require a professional plumber, unless the DIY expert in your home has plumbing experience. This is because moving the pump is messy, and expensive. Even little mistakes could spell disaster for the whole project, so enlist the help of a qualified professional.

Enclosing the Pump

Many people prefer to enclose the pump. However, most areas have building codes that restrict what type of enclosure you can use. Typically, codes will require  that sump pump enclosures have a maintenance door or access point so units are readily accessible for repair and maintenance. You should consult local building codes and a professional plumber before making any alterations to your pump system.