Twip of the Day – Helpful Waterproofing Products

Basement waterproofing is essential in any structure. This is because moisture will eventually penetrate through any foundation wall, especially if waterproofing agents are not applied. When moisture accumulates in your basement, it causes water damage, as well as the propagation of hazardous mold and mildew. There are many products which help waterproof your basement including sump pumps, drain tile systems, baseboard systems, and cavity drain systems.

Sump pumps are the most useful tools in homes where the local water table is above the foundation. This causes the basement to regularly flood, and sump pumps remove this water. There are two kinds of sump pumps, pedastal and submersible pumps. A pedastal pump is mounted above the floor and can be unsightly, but easy to reach. The submersible variety of pump is located below the ground and sealed off. These pumps are usually powered by pressurized water in the home, or by the structure’s electrical supply.

Another useful tool in the fight against moisture penetration is a drain tile system. Traditional drain tile systems (commonly known as “French Drains”) use regular PVC pipe to channel out water. This is a common system in many homes, but will need to be upgraded if it doesn’t perform adequately. There are many upgrades to these systems, including new piping systems installed both inside and outside the structure.

Baseboard systems were originally utilized in the midwest, starting in the 1960’s. The design for these systems is simple and very efficient. Hollow baseboards collect water from weep holes tapped in the bottom row of blocks and channel the water to a sump pump or floor drain. This approach to waterproofing your basement can save you hundreds of dollars over certain sub-floor systems.

Another system is designed so that a pre-formed cavity within your basement intercepts water and drains it away, this is called a cavity drain. The cavity collects groundwater and drains it away, and is located entirely under the ground. When you use this type of system, you must take into account external drainage, the amount of groundwater, soil type, and even ground contamination.

The best way to prevent leaks and flooding is to fix and fill all cracks and holes in your basement. Take a careful look around your basement for signs of cracking or holes in the foundation wall. Water can easily penetrate into your basement through these problem areas. If you fill each of these with epoxy or mortar and patch each of the holes, you can assure that water will have much less of a chance to penetrate into your basement.