Twip of the Day – Finding and Identifying Basement Mold

“Basement mold is a term refers to the types of fungus that grow in basements under certain conditions. Basement mold is harmless in small quantities, by as it grow, it becomes more and more of a health hazard. Some will cause certain types of allergic reactions while others are outright poisonous. If left untreated, the basement mold will keep growing, eventually spreading through the entire building. This is why you must find the mold before the problem gets out of hand. Once you find it, you will need to be able to identify it—otherwise, you won’t be able to figure out how to get rid of it.

Finding Basement Mold

One of the easiest ways to identify the mold is by it’s stench. However, this is only true for some types of basement mold, others may not start to smell until their growth reaches a certain stage. That is why you may want to take a more proactive approach and check the spots where the mold is most likely to emerge. That way, you will have a better chance of spotting it while it is still at manageable size.

Basement mold needs a wet environment in order to grow. It will grow near the pipes and along the walls. The mold feeds on common household materials such as plywood, drywall, furring strips and carpet padding, as well as dust and cellulose in carpets themselves. Try to check any parts of the basement that are hospitable to mold at least once every week. Be sure to bring a flashlight with you—you may not be able to get adequate illumination without it.

If your basement suffers any sort of flooding, the walls will become infested with mold spores, which will remain dormant until they come in contact with water. The spores can remain dormant for a long time. Just because the mold didn’t develop after the flood doesn’t mean it won’t become an issue several years down the line.

Mold Safety

If you find a patch of mold, try not to inhale too deeply and don’t touch the mold with any part of your body. If it gets on your clothing or your tools, wash it immediately. You can identify the mold by sight, so there is no reason why you should be touching the mold in the first place.

Identifying Basement Molds

Basement mold can be identified based on a number of factors. First, there is color. Basement mold comes in a variety of colors that range from light gray to black. They may have  green, blue and/or brown tinges. If the mold is closer to black, it is either the Stachybotrys or Cladosporium molds. If it’s closer to light grey, it is either Aspergillus or Fusarium molds.

To figure out which type of dark mold and you have, look at the texture. If the basement mold looks slimy, it is probably Strachybotrys. Otherwise, it’s Cladosporium.

To figure out what kind of light colored mold you have, look at the growth pattern. If the mold grows in disjoint circular patches, it is most likely to be Aspergillus. Otherwise, it’s Fusarium.

The Next Step

If possible, try to get the mold tested in a lab. While the factors described above are usually fairly good indicators, only the professional analysis will be able to tell for sure. If the mold patches are small, you may be able to remove it yourself. However, if the patches are fairly large, you will need professional help.”

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