Twip of the Day – Estimating Exterior Costs

When you discover standing water, dampness, and water damage in your basement, estimating the cost of repairs can be a real headache. The repairs and the cost of basement waterproofing can get expensive and even complicated. There are various evaluations that should be carried out as well as other factors which contribute to the damage that should be taken care of.

The first step in this process is to determine the source of water penetration, whether it be through poor drainage in gutters and around the home, poor ventilation, or standing water from heavy rainfall. Each of these issues has associated repair costs that can vary depending on severity and quality of repair materials.

For condensation issues that deal with poor ventilation, heating and air conditioning may ease the problem. The water pipes should be properly insulated at all times of year. If there are condensation issues, a dehumidifier should be running in the area to help lessen the dampness. The cost of insulating the pipes and buying a dehumidifier can be as low as $50, though we recommend a heavy-duty dehumidifier which could increase costs at or above $300.

For issues involving inadequate drainage conditions, the costs are associated with repairs needed. Often, ensuring gutters and downspouts have proper drainage and aren’t clogged is enough, as well as ensuring the ground slopes away from the foundation. Gutter repair costs can be over $200, and costs will increase depending upon whether the foundation slope needs more rock or dirt.

Repairing basement leaks is often considered the most expensive of all the aforementioned repairs. Repairs to leaks should be handled by a professional especially waterproofing the basement because this is a delicate and complicated procedure. The cost for minor leak repairs and the application of sealants runs around $350, whereas installation of drains and sump pumps could be $1000 or more. Foundation repairs, the most costly of these repairs, could run much more than $5000. This is why it is important to ensure proper drainage conditions, and that your basement does not accumulate water, which causes this damage.

If you seek professional help for these issues, Mar-flex recommends DryPatrol. This is because they are quick, affordable, thorough, and the company is ran by certified technicians and even environmental scientists that can do the most for your repairs of any company in the region.