Twip of the Day – Ensuring Protection

In recent “Twip of the Day”s we’ve talked about identifying the source of moisture in your basement, as well as a few quick ways to fix it. Today, we’ll introduce you to one of the easiest ways to keep moisture from penetrating your foundation walls once the original leak is repaired. Applying waterproofing masonry paint will help stop any future seepages, and its easy to apply. Muriatic acid should be used to remove any salt deposits so the paint bonds better to the basement/foundation wall. When using muriatic acid, make sure to wear rubber gloves and have proper ventilation as well as proper eye protection. After the salt deposits are removed, apply the masonry paint using a stiff bristled paintbrush to allow the first coat to work into the pores of the masonry, and apply the second coat with a roller to assure effective waterproofing. This is a simple solution that can be done on your own, and is cost effective.