Twip of the Day – Eliminating Damp That Basement Smell

The distinct smell of damp basements is unpleasant, musty, and dank. Prevention is better that remediation when it comes to this smell. Increasing ventilation in your basement is extremely important when dealing with this problem. Another solution would be to install air bricks. Air bricks are manufactured for brick homes and foundations, increasing the fresh air circulating within. Running a dampproofing course around the floor and lower foundations will prevent moisture from entering. Dampproofing is painted on using special prevention paint, and is relatively simple to install on your own. Finally, keeping a regular temperature in your basement helps dry out any dampness that does get in. Cold atmospheres attract dampness, so keep your basement heated to at least sixty degrees all year round. By following these steps you can prevent the spread of dampness in your basement, and therefore eliminate that damp basement smell.