Eco-Friendly Ways to Get Rid of Damp Basement Smell

That damp basement smell, usually caused by mold and mildew, is extremely putrid and unpleasant. You can get rid of it without resorting to chemicals, and you can even use green solutions, eco-friendly products, and household items.

The first step to ridding your basement of that smell is to clean everything out of the basement and into your backyard. This is a job, but getting rid of that old carpet and cardboard will go a long way to stopping that smell. Not only does it accomplish that, but you get a blank surface to clean.

One of the best household products to use for this project is vinegar. Vinegar will get rid of most mold and mildew, and the scent will clear in just a few minutes. You can pour it on the areas with heavy mold buildup and then scrub hard to remove most of the traces.

Another great household solution is to mix lemon juice with water for a strong and sweet cleaning solution. It can tackle many forms of mold, but will also clean unaffected areas and take out that damp basement smell – replacing it with a natural lemon scent.

Baking soda is another extremely useful solution to this basement smell. If you spread baking soda over the affected area it will soak up that smell. You will still need to clean the area.

Finishing up by cleaning with a good natural soap and water solution will remove the last remnants of mold. This will take away that damp basement smell permanently.