Twip of the Day – Maintaing a Sump Pump Alarm

Sump pump alarms play a crucial role in assuring the functionality of your sump pump. Without this, water levels wouldn’t be regulated properly, and your basement would flood. The purpose of a sump pump is to pump out excess water in the case that your basement floods. Sump pumps stop water from damaging your possessions, as well as saving the basement from mold propagation, insect breeding, and mildew saturation. If your sump pump malfunctions, it can’t prevent these disasters from occurring to your basement. Many sump pumps have alarms that sound when the level of water begins to cross the decreed limits. This alarm usually occurs when the pump is malfunctioning and needs to be repaired. Flood alarms usually run on batteries which are linked to the sump pup, which is why it is important to have the pump checked regularly to avoid any failure that can be prevented. Also, be sure to check the batteries on the sump pump alarm regularly. Always install a backup battery power system, which activates when your current batteries run out. This backup should be fully charged at all times. Sump pumps also tend to get clogged with flowing debris and mud, these also affect the functioning of the alarm. You must keep the area clean, and check your pump often for debris and clogs. If you follow these steps, you will be warned when the moisture in your basement is becoming too much for your pump to handle, or when your pump is failing. This will allow you to save your possessions and keep moisture out of your basement.

Offering Brick Waterproofing

Brick structures tend to stain and wear down over time, allowing insects and vegetation into the structure as well as damaging the bricks themselves. Bricks should be protected with a protective coating which prevents dirt, debris, and stains from penetrating into the paver, making them easier to clean in the future. Brick sealers also provide protection against ultraviolet rays, which prevents that dull bleached-out look that occurs when pavers haven’t been protected with a sealant. Our basement sealants also help to seal in the joint stabilization sand, sealing out insects and local vegetation, as well as waterproofing your structure. Check out SurfiSeal today, to see why Mar-flex Brick Sealers are the best in the industry!

Twip of the Day – Waterproof Paint

Moisture saturation in your basement is serious. Every homeowner should use waterproof paint to protect against this. Before applying waterproof paint, remember that the surface should be dry. To assure complete dryness, set up a dehumidifier, and use a wet and dry vacuum. Before applying any paint, make sure your basement walls are in good condition. Painting over damaged areas with waterproof paint is a waste of time. Make sure to fill any holes with fresh mortar, then allow time to cure before applying any paint. Also, make sure to thoroughly apply the paint, as many homeowners skip the spaces where the home settles, causing small gaps. Concrete is a porous surface that absorbs moisture and paint like a sponge. One coat of waterproofing paint won’t be enough protection, so apply several coats, allowing each to dry before applying another.

Twip of the Day – Using Crystalline Waterproofing

Crystalline waterproofing material is a substance which binds to concrete walls, the penetrates the concretes and hardens to the point where it becomes an impenetrable water barrier. This material protects your walls from leaks, and can be added on new or old concrete. The downside is that installation is a hassle, because crystalline material must stay wet while you are applying it, and it heats up when mixed with water. This material is also relatively expensive as compared to simpler waterproofing options.

Our Dedication to Continuing Education

Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products leads the industry in waterproofing solutions, as well as the first 100% green recycled products in the marketplace. Mar-flex continues with its reputation for advancement and customer service with the Mar-flex University Initiative. We are developing a comprehensive offering of continuing education courses for building professionals everywhere. So far, our sustainability and green waterproofing courses have been taken by NASA, the FAA, HUD, and many many other reputable organizations. Visit us today to learn how you can become a part of Mar-flex University, and how you can be further educated in the brand new technological achievements Mar-flex is known for.

Twip of the Day – Hooking Up a Battery Powered Sump Pump

When your regular sump pump fails, whether because of malfunction, or overuse during those rainy months, you need a backup ready to protect your basement. Many battery operated kits include a 12 volt pump and battery casing. Check the capacity recommendations on the manufacturer’s form. Then, mount the battery sump pump next to the main pump, and position the float switch at the manufacturer’s recommended height using brackets that are included in the kit. Next, turn of the power, and attach the battery sump pump discharge pipe to the main pump, mounting the battery casing around two to three feet above the pit area. Make sure to attach the cable connections to the battery casing according the included instructions. Mount the battery charger as far from battery casing as possible. Install the battery in the casing, attach the pump, then float switch and finally battery charger. Once the connections are complete, plug it into an approved outlet, turn the power on and test the pump.

Leader in Customer Service

Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products is the leading innovator in the waterproofing industry. We’ve spent years researching and developing better products, including Geo-Mat Plus and ShockWave drainage products that are the only 100% green solutions in the world. Mar-flex isn’t just a leader in innovation though, our customer service representatives have been cross-trained, so that they can help not only with warranty or service related issues, but the actual spec and installation of our products. Call us today to become familiar with Mar-flex’s unique customer service experience. 

Twip of the Day – Stopping Wall Leaks

Basement wall leaks are a serious issue that needs to be addressed and repaired as soon as possible. Not only will dampness damage your possessions, but it can also cause health hazards. First, you need to locate the leak, so trace the water back to where it emerges from the wall. Be thorough, because there may only be one entry point. Use a hammer and chisel to carefully open any cracks and inspect them for holes or further damage. Use a small brush to rid loose debris from the affected area, once you’ve gotten the majority of it, use a can of compressed air for a final cleaning. Put on protective equipment at this point, mix hydraulic cement following the instructions on the bag. Apply the freshly mixed cement into the crack, making sure you press it in as far as possible. To obtain the most effective and flat finish to the wall, use a mortar trowel to apply the cement, and then leave it to cure. Once you have dealt with the cracks, you need to apply a waterproof sealant to protect against future penetration. Once, you’ve repaired and waterproofed your basement, check the rest of the home. Assure your gutters are properly connected and functioning properly, and that drainage run-offs don’t accumulate against the side of the structure. If the job is too tough to finish on your own, call water damage professionals, just like DryPatrol.

Spec Sheets Are Here

Every building professional knows that in order to choose effective products for their next job, they need adequate spec information and access to the details about products. Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products makes it easier than ever to do this with our brand new Spec Page, hosted by our friends at ARCAT. Mar-flex products are the best and most reliable industry solutions to use on your next job, and now you can get access to all the information you need to choose the Mar-flex product with the right fit. Check out our spec sheets page today!

Twip of the Day – Installing a Vapor Barrier

Vapor barriers protect the frame of your home from water damage. This barrier is designed to block water vapor from building up and provides an outlet for moisture. While a plain plastic sheet is commonly used as a vapor barrier, these traditional plastic barriers allow water to pass through them. Stores that sell concrete supplies carry the newer type of barriers, that remain effective against moisture penetration but are a bit more expensive. There are several places in a home where a vapor barrier would be beneficial. Under the foundation is the most important place in a home to place a barrier, unfortunately, if your home is already built there is nothing you can do about this. Attics and crawlspaces are another perfect place. Its easy to install these barriers in most parts of the home. If there is already water built up where you plan to install the barrier, clean this up before installing. The wall you are installing the barrier on should be cleaned and dried, and then caulk used to fill any gaps around windows or in the wall. Measure your wall and write down the measurements, then add two inches to allow you enough barrier to stop water from getting in. Roll out the barrier on the wall you’ve marked, and use a staple gun to attach the product. Use tape to seal the seams of the barrier. Make sure you finish the wall within a month of installing the barrier, as this will prevent damage to the surface and protect the vapor barrier.