Egress Window Wells – Only The Best

In order to remake your basement into a livable space, you need egress window wells. Specifically, window wells by Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products. Our window wells were designed by Mar-flex owner Brett Oakley, a veteran volunteer fireman who knows the dangers involved with evacuating any basement during an emergency. That’s why Mar-flex introduced the egress window well solutions that have become so popular. Customers love Mar-flex egress solutions because of their inherent versatility, allowing more natural light and fresh air into your basement, while adding beauty to your structure, and even providing means of a quick and safe exit in the event of an emergency. Mar-flex window wells are made from high quality plastics, not metal, which means you don’t have to deal with rust or denting anymore. Call us today, or browse our selection!

Twip of the Day – Waterproofing A Damp Basement Floor

If you have a damp basement floor, it can only lead to issues unless properly and quickly dealt with. Failure to do this will mean structural damage to your property. It isn’t difficult to waterproof these areas, and in many instances it doesn’t require the help of a professional. The best part about basement waterproofing is its cost – you’ll find you don’t need to spend a great deal of money to completely fix this issue.

Before you can start with any waterproofing, you need to make sure the area is clean. Clear everything off the floor until its bare, taking your broom and sweeping thoroughly. Be certain you clear everything from corners and crevices.

When you’ve done that, use a wet/dry vac to continue cleaning and pick up any objects you might have missed. To complete the cleaning portion of this process, mop the floor with clean water. This way, you’ll be certain there’s nothing on the floor that can stop waterproof materials from bonding to concrete. Make sure no one enters the basement after this process, and leave the floor to dry completely.

Now that the area is clean and dry, inspect the walls and floor for cracks. If you find any, you’ll need to fill them with concrete. Let it dry, then sand down until it’s smooth. Repeat the vacuuming and mopping process, then let the basement dry again.

Once its dry again, you can put on primer. You need to have good waterproof primer that’s intended for basements. Also, be sure to follow any instructions on the primer that you will be using on your damp basement floor. It might need to be diluted. Apply with a brush in the corners and around any edges, and use a roller for main areas.

You will only need one coat of primer on the damp basement floor. Once finished, let it dry completely before attempting the next step. Also, while you are waiting for it to dry, you can clean the brush and roller to remove any paint.

With your base primer dry, you will be ready to apply the waterproof agent. As with the primer, use a brush for edges and corners, and a roller for open areas. Apply a good coat of waterproofing agent to the area, then leave it to dry.

You’ll achieve better results if you apply a second coat of the waterproofing agent to the basement. Your goal is to prevent dampness from penetrating again, so you need the coverage to be absolute. Any small gaps will allow moisture to enter and will defeat the purpose of this whole project.

After the coats of waterproof paint are dry, inspect the area visually to see any spots you may have missed. Pay close attention to areas surrounding the door and other openings. If you follow these measures, your damp basement can be turned into a useful room again.

We Offer Spray Equipment

Mar-flex Waterproofing & Building Products is the leading innovator in the waterproofing marketplace, offering products that outshine the competition, such as the extremely popular Mar-flex 5000 membrane. Did you know Mar-flex manufactures the equipment to spray on our membranes? Mar-flex offers everything you need to spray on the membranes correctly and professionally, and all equipment is economically priced, durable, and efficient. Check out our selection today!

Twip of the Day – Stop a Basement Leak

Basement leaks can be very worrying. The basement used to be a place where we all stick our stuff, but modern basements have become useful rooms. No matter what you use your basement for, you will need to ensure that water is not leaking in.

Fixing the leak is actually pretty easy as long as you have the right equipment and materials available. Make sure that you have all of the right tools available before starting this project.

Find the Leak

The first task that must be accomplished is to look for the source of the leak. The leak could be a result of either a broken pipe, or due to water getting inside the brickwork of your home. Identify the source of the leak, and you will be one step closer to fixing that issue.

If you can’t find the leak right away, you may need to use a damp meter to try and track it down. Take a look from at your property from the outside see if any slates have moved, or there are cracks in the walls.

Locating Cracks

If the leak is caused by a crack in the wall then you will need to find the location of the problem. This should be easy, but sometimes you might find it easier to spot the problem from outside your structure.

Preparing Cracks

Use a metal scraper to remove any lose material from inside the crack. You can then use a wire brush to thoroughly clean out the crack so that the cement can stick properly. If you fail to clean out the crack sufficiently, the cement won’t be able to adhere to the surface properly.

Filling the Crack

The cracked area needs to be filled using hydraulic cement. Make sure to pack this cement into the crack. Use the scraper again to make sure the cement is level with the wall, then wait until it dries and fill it using caulking. Its best to use silicone caulking for this, because it allows the wall to flex slightly when its drying.


Basement sealant paint, like the kind Mar-flex offers, should be applied to the wall to resolve the issue. You will first need to wet the wall because paints need a wet surface to adhere properly. These paints resist water from trying to penetrate your walls. Although this is an optional step, it will work extremely well at protecting your home from damp and moisture penetration.

Professional Options

There are various other options that professionals often use. Most of the time, for this work, they use an injection of either epoxy or polyurethane. This material is injected directly into the crack. This provides good protection against moisture because it fills the entire crack very efficiently. Polyurethane is often used because it is a great waterproofing material. Mar-flex offers a crack injection system that the homeowner can use. Its never been easier to fill a crack!

Once the wall is repaired, you can redecorate it knowing that the problem is cured, and you won’t have to cope with the same situation.

The Waterproofing Products You Need

Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products is the leading innovator in the waterproofing marketplace. We understand that your waterproofing system is critical to the safety of your structure and its occupants, and therefore we are dedicated to providing quality, efficient, and durable products. Mar-flex products stop this water penetration that leaves such devastating damage, including the growth of mold and mildew. We have achieved this through a 3-Step System.

The First Step

The first step in the Mar-flex System is choosing a waterproofing membrane to seal the basement or foundation walls. Mar-flex membranes are specially formulated spray coatings that are designed to be highly impermeable to water, protecting your structure from water damage.

The Drainage Board

After installing a quality membrane from our selection, it is important to choose a drainage board solution which will protect and insulate the foundation wall. This also protects the membrane, while channeling water away from your foundation. Mar-flex offers many different drainage boards, in both the commercial and residential variety, and with varying features. Mar-flex is also the first waterproofing manufacturer to offer a “Green” drainage board, helping to achieve LEED credits for your project, and its American Made!

Last But Not Least

The last step in the Mar-flex 3-Step System is to install a drainage tile along the footer or foundation walls to channel excess water into a drainage system and transport it away from your structure. Mar-flex offers several different drainage options, all easy to install and incredibly low-maintenance.

Our comprehensive 3-Step system eliminates water’s ability to penetrate the foundation walls of your structure. Without proper protection, this water penetration will cause devastating damage and require extremely costly repairs.

Call us today with any questions, our customer service representatives are cross-trained to provide you the most in-depth support possible – or browse our helpful online product catalog! We can be reached by phone at (800) 498-1411 or by email [email protected]. You can take advantage of Mar-flex’s chat system by entering our website and accepting the incoming chat room invite. Inside this chatroom, our customer support specialists are standing by to help you!

Eco-Friendly Ways to Get Rid of Damp Basement Smell

That damp basement smell, usually caused by mold and mildew, is extremely putrid and unpleasant. You can get rid of it without resorting to chemicals, and you can even use green solutions, eco-friendly products, and household items.

The first step to ridding your basement of that smell is to clean everything out of the basement and into your backyard. This is a job, but getting rid of that old carpet and cardboard will go a long way to stopping that smell. Not only does it accomplish that, but you get a blank surface to clean.

One of the best household products to use for this project is vinegar. Vinegar will get rid of most mold and mildew, and the scent will clear in just a few minutes. You can pour it on the areas with heavy mold buildup and then scrub hard to remove most of the traces.

Another great household solution is to mix lemon juice with water for a strong and sweet cleaning solution. It can tackle many forms of mold, but will also clean unaffected areas and take out that damp basement smell – replacing it with a natural lemon scent.

Baking soda is another extremely useful solution to this basement smell. If you spread baking soda over the affected area it will soak up that smell. You will still need to clean the area.

Finishing up by cleaning with a good natural soap and water solution will remove the last remnants of mold. This will take away that damp basement smell permanently.

Egress Solutions

Four people will die in residential house fires today.

That’s the facts and statistics from the National Fire Protection Association. House fires are incredibly dangerous and can be fatal for any occupants involved, which is why it is so important to take safety precautions. That’s where Mar-flex CEO Brett Oakley comes in.

In 1984, while fighting a routine house fire, the Mar-flex CEO, then a volunteer fireman, fell through the floor and landed in the basement of a burning home. He quickly realized there was no way out, and this changed his life. As a 20 year veteran, he was able to escape the home successfully, but he began to wonder if everyone else could.

That’s why Mar-flex began producing an economical solution in the form of egress window wells. Egress window wells allow more natural light and fresh air into your basement than regular windows, while at the same time offering any occupant of the home a safe exit in case of emergencies. All Mar-flex egress windows are manufactured from high quality plastics and not metals, so they won’t rust or dent. Mar-flex offers window wells in a variety of colors, textures, and patterns. Browse our selection today! Remember, installing egress windows is paramount to the safety of occupants within your structure.

Pros & Cons of Crystalline Waterproofing

Crystalline waterproofing material is a substance applied to concrete walls that penetrates the concrete and changes it to the point where it becomes an impenetrable water barrier. There are several pros and cons to this process, and they should be considered before a decision is made.

This material gives your walls protection from leaks, and is most used on basement walls. Its also something that can be added to newly poured concrete, and can even be used to adhere older concrete to newer concrete. Unfortunately, installation can be a hassle. You are going to have to add water to the mixture often so that is doesn’t dry out. It even heats up when mixed with water, which can be a distraction.

Basically, crystalline waterproofing products have the ability to prevent any leakage from your concrete walls but it can be a hassle to install. However, once you install it, you’ll find it is well worth the trouble.

Committed to Continuing Education

Mar-flex is committed to educating modern building professionals on upcoming practices and products. To this end we’ve developed several continuing education courses – through our initiative dubbed Mar-flex University. Mar-flex University offers several educational courses, including sustainable building and green waterproofing solutions, and these courses have been taken by such reputable organizations as NASA, FAA, and HUD. We’re currently developing several more courses, exploring future technology and much more. Check out our courses today, and find out how you can utilize our program to get those GBCI CE hours and AIA/SD LU’s.

Twip of the Day – Properly Applying Waterproof Paint

When you are applying waterproof paint, its important to follow the proper procedure and techniques to get the most out of your investment. This usually means applying the waterproof paint in multiple coats, starting with a coat of primer on the walls. This will help paint adhere better to the walls and help you avoid problems down the line. Some hardware stores and product manufacturers recommend putting three coats over the primer, so make sure to carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure that you allow plenty of time for the paint to dry between coats.

Following these easy instructions will allow to do the job right. Basement waterproof paint will protect your basement from moisture penetration, and a fresh coat of paint will definitely spruce up those walls!

Waterproof paint is used to create a barrier in between walls and the outside environment. This means protection against moisture. The most common area of any structure where waterproof paint is applied is the basement. Before applying any waterproofing paint, ensure any excess mortar is removed and the wall is cleaned. If there are any gaps or cracks in the concrete walls of your basement, mix a small amount of mortar and place it into a pastry bag. Fill any holes with this mortar, and allow to dry. Also, you should make sure your basement is free of moisture before applying any paint. This can be achieved with the use of a basement dehumidifier. Apply the waterproof paint with a roller, and use a brush on rough surfaces such as rugged concrete. Allow the paint time to dry and then check for any missed areas and reapply waterproof paint to assure a solid seal. Then, apply a second coat, and sometimes a third coat, depending on the frequency of basement flooding and the local climate.