Twip of the Day – Maintaing a Sump Pump Alarm

Sump pump alarms play a crucial role in assuring the functionality of your sump pump. Without this, water levels wouldn’t be regulated properly, and your basement would flood. The purpose of a sump pump is to pump out excess water in the case that your basement floods. Sump pumps stop water from damaging your possessions, as well as saving the basement from mold propagation, insect breeding, and mildew saturation. If your sump pump malfunctions, it can’t prevent these disasters from occurring to your basement. Many sump pumps have alarms that sound when the level of water begins to cross the decreed limits. This alarm usually occurs when the pump is malfunctioning and needs to be repaired. Flood alarms usually run on batteries which are linked to the sump pup, which is why it is important to have the pump checked regularly to avoid any failure that can be prevented. Also, be sure to check the batteries on the sump pump alarm regularly. Always install a backup battery power system, which activates when your current batteries run out. This backup should be fully charged at all times. Sump pumps also tend to get clogged with flowing debris and mud, these also affect the functioning of the alarm. You must keep the area clean, and check your pump often for debris and clogs. If you follow these steps, you will be warned when the moisture in your basement is becoming too much for your pump to handle, or when your pump is failing. This will allow you to save your possessions and keep moisture out of your basement.