Twip of the Day – Basement Sealant?

When you have a damp basement, it might be a good idea to purchase a damp basement sealant. When you use this product, there are pros and cons that need to be considered. One of the biggest advantages of using this product is you are going to be able to keep moisture out of your basement. If you have a concrete foundation, chances are moisture can penetrate through it from the outside. The condensation that comes through the walls can cause lots of problems for any homeowner. Stopping this moisture will stop the propagation of mold, and allow you to prevent any damage to the wood structure of your home. Another advantage of using this product is that it is easy to apply, similar to painting the wall or the floor. Unfortunately, damp basement sealants are very expensive. The sealants are manufactured inside large buckets, which require a fairly large investment when bought. If you have a larger basement, you could quickly spend hundreds of dollars. Sometimes, the sealant won’t even solve your problem, so make sure you choose the right product. Many sealants are generic “knock-offs”, that will not work. The final drawback of sealants is that they are toxic. When you are working in a basement, there isn’t going to be a lot of ventilation. Care and caution should be observed at all times. Make sure you ventilate the area properly, or you wear a respirator so that you don’t breathe in the fumes.