Shockwave – The Answer

For years, building contractors just used a dampproofing solution in basements, and called that a finished job. Nowadays, consumers deal with flooded basements so often that a new way of thinking had to be introduced. Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products, the innovators in the waterproofing industry, developed several solutions for these serious issues.

With a complete Mar-flex System, you can be assured that your structure will be safe from the harmful effects of water penetration and damage. Mar-flex membranes are the best in the marketplace, backed by an incredible warranty, durable and efficient products, and a quality of service that broad corporate institutions couldn’t hope to match. Our drainage boards, which protect the membrane, are effortlessly reliable.

For the toughest conditions, Mar-flex developed the Shockwave drainage board. Shockwave is unique, in that its built from 100% post-consumer recycled content. This means you are saving space in landfills, and qualifying for LEED credits. This drainage board is the most efficient in the industry, it soaks up 101.11 gallons per hour per lineal foot of groundwater. This eliminates the possibility of hydrostatic pressure. Also, this board can stand up to as much pressure as you can throw at it, with a compressive strength of 283.72 PSI, it even stands up to bulldozers. This means Shockwave will always bounce back to its original shape and configuration, no matter what the conditions. When you need a board that can perform above all others, you need Shockwave! Check out our product line today!