Twip of the Day – Interior Vs Exterior

There are many advantages and disadvantages to each type of waterproofing, so you must consider all factors before considering which type to apply to your structure. Regardless of which type you decide to apply to your structure, you must repair any cracks or holes in the foundation walls. The repair of basement cracks is time consuming and complicated, so if you need help, contact a foundation repair company.

When you apply exterior basement waterproofing, you must use skin shielding. This skin is placed over the exterior basement wall after waterproofing paint has been applied. The skin acts as a barrier between cool soil and excess water. Skins are rubberized and possess a honeycomb design. Both interior and exterior waterproofing solutions use waterproofing paint. The paint is applied like any other paint, and is typically latex and doesn’t allow water to adhere to it, or degrade it over time. Exterior paint is more durable due to constant bombardment of moisture and rain. Any basement in a wet environment needs to have water drainage capabilities. There are many ways to implement drainage, even simple things like drainage pipes and downspouts help. Another way is dig a trench at the base of the exterior wall and placing a drain pipe inside the trench and have it connect to the exterior plumbing line. This keeps water away from the concrete foundation and out of the basement. On the exterior, the water sock is a common choice among builders. Water socks are round pieces of absorbent materials wrapped in mesh. Land around your home is then excavated to the base of the foundation. A trench is dug in and filled with inches of sand. Water socks are then placed and set in the sand, then covered with gravel. Then the socks soak up water and slowly let it drain into the property, instead of the rain saturating the grounds.