Eco-Friendly Ways to Get Rid of That Smell

Yesterday, we talked about damp basements, there dangers and that damp basement smell. We described how to remove that musty, dank smell from your basement, and all the methods available to you. Did you know there are eco-friendly ways to get rid of that smell?

Cleaning everything in your basement can go a long way to eliminating that damp basement smell. Rid yourself of all the damp carpet and cardboard that’s contributing to the smell. Move everything into the backyard so it can dry in the sun. Vinegar is another useful tool, by using vinegar, you can get rid of mold and mildew in minutes. Pour vinegar on areas with heavy mold buildup and then scrub to remove the traces. You can mix lemon juice with water for a strong, sweet cleaning solution. It can eliminate many forms of mold, and will clean unaffected areas and take out the smell, replacing it with a fresh lemon scent. Baking soda can also help. Sprinkle some over the affected area and wait a little while before vacuuming it up. Finally, you can finish up with a good natural soap and some water. This will remove the last of the mold, and take away your damp basement smell permanently.