Twip of the Day – Prevent Wall Leaks

There are a few steps you can take to prevent basement wall leaks. Wall leaks happen because workmanship might have been bad, cracks in wall or floors appeared while your home settled, or water pressure from the outside might have built up, forcing itself through the walls. First, make sure to repair any holes or cracks in the building, and use a waterproofing compound to ensure your wall is leak proof. To prevent leaks that occur due to water pressure, make sure to have professional plumbing done. If you find water pressure is building up, use a weep pipe to divert the force of water. Once that is done, check for cracks. Use mortar to patch up these cracks. Once the repairs are complete, you need to waterproof the wall with a good water-proof mix. Waterproofing is the most common and effective solution to fix these basement wall leaks.