Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Mar-flex Waterproofing Products not only offers the best materials for the job but also the best waterproofing safety equipment. View the entire line of Mar-flex personal protective equipment here.               


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Hooded Coveralls

Hooded coverall, durable, breathable protection from elastic arm and leg bands. 25/box.

S/PE-56150L (Large)  S/PE-56150XL (Extra-Large)

S/PE-56150XXL (Extra-Extra Large)

Hooded coverall

Shoe Covers


One size fits most, slips easily over shoes. Prevents tracking of material onto clean floors. Excellent for crack repair. 50/box.

Shoe Covers

Double Dipped PVC Gloves


Double dipped PVC gloves provide protection from solvents, resins, paints and dyes. 12 pair/pack.

Double Dipped PVC Gloves

PVC Gloves


Inexpensive, multi-use, general purpose utility gloves with full plastic coating over the entire palm providing enhanced protection and longer wear. 12 pair/pack.

PVC Gloves

(*Limited Quantities) 

 P-100 Particulate Filter S/PE-56420 and Hepa Piggy Back Adapter S/PE-56425. See individual parts below.

*P-100 Particulate Filter


P-100 particulate filter protects against dusts, fumes, mists, radio nuclides, radon daughters and asbestos containing dusts and mists. 5 pair/box.

P-100 Particulate Filter

*Hepa Piggyback Adapter


Hepa piggyback adapter. 5 pair/box.

Hepa Piggyback Adapter

Wet Mil Gauge


Standard measuring tool for gauging proper thickness of spray-applied membranes. 10/pack.

AI-28110-wet mil gauge

BreakAway Knives


Disposable knives, great for cutting drainage board. Just BreakAway blade as needed to obtain a new cutting edge. 25/box.

BreakAway Knives